So schreiben Sie eine effektive Stellenanzeige
Future employees with optimal education and first-rate references are the foundations of every successful company. The competition does not sleep, making it essential that you attract the attention of your desired candidate with a meaningful and optimal job description. Distinguish yourself from the masses of uniform, ineffective job advertisements. Doing so will get your foot in the door with an interesting applicant on the free market. Below we provide you with the most important data for attractive and professional recruiting. We also recommend engaging a recruitment consultant who can help you look at and optimise your job advertisements with more objectivity and from a different perspective.

1. Set yourself apart

Shine the right light on your company using clear and structured words from the very first sentence of the job offer. You seek to become the new professional home of your future employee. Give him a good foundation to get to know your internal company environment.

2. The job

Now turn your focus in the job advertisement to the real matter at hand, the job offer. State the exact location of the job. Define the future position by explicitly stated tasks and objectives. Clearly explain forthcoming work and requirements. Clarify the responsibility and authority you expect in terms of fulfilling the specified tasks. Present the range of duties and responsibilities as a list in order of priority. Use words and semantic terms suitable to the field of work and that illustrate the key functions in your search for applicants.

3. Above and beyond the workplace

Use the job offer to explain the way in which your future employee will be integrated into the company structure and how he will come into contact with customers and other companies. What internal and external structures and communication levels complement day-to-day work? Are there any other possible, non-specific tasks the applicant might need to perform?

4. Your requirements

Avoid any misunderstandings from the start and use the job description to present clear specifications of your minimum requirements. In addition to education and professional experience, you should include your desired additional qualifications and know-how that goes above and beyond common professional competencies. Applicants must be able to clearly recognise whether or not their qualifications are sufficient or specialised enough. This keeps the bar from being set too low and gets the sorting process started early on in the recruiting phrase.

5. What makes your offer attractive?

Applicants rightly want to know what benefits and salary they will get for the job. Make a clear statement about payment, holidays, work times, social benefits, any incentives such as bonuses or opportunities for further education or the means of production at your disposal. This helps you gain ground with promising candidates.

6. Make full use of the format

Nowadays, job advertisements found in non-internet media are no longer as helpful as those found on the internet when it comes to finding a suitable candidate in the region or from abroad. Thus, you need to optimise your job offer with regard to online searches. Use a short, concise headline to present the common term used for the vacant position. Avoid abbreviations in the job description, as they could be confusing.